Eversafe Marine provides turn key service for customers’ heavy lift and transport projects: include structural lift , structure transport ,such as caissons ,culverts, cofferdams.,etc. As the first professional air bag engineering company , we are proud of our marine airbag system and also proven track records of serving global clients.

Applicable Projects
- Move concrete caissons or culverts whose weight below 6000 tonnes with heavy lift airbags. The caisson can be constructed upon supporting blocks on flat land when completed can be lifted and moved to submersible barges or floating docks with airbags.

With pneumatic rollers, the caisson or culverts can turn around. Even not as convenient as SPMTs, airbags surely can TURN AROUND the objects, the 90 degree turn is common operation.
- Structure relocation with roller bags. Those structure should have strong structure strength and flat bottom. We have completed relocation of concrete statue, fortification, bunkers, pipes, trees with airbags.

- Structure launching with airbags. In some cases, steel Cofferdam, concrete pump house can be directly launched into water with airbags from ramp.
Reference project: http://eversafemarine.net/project-detail/launches-1400-t-pump-house-for-sherritt-international/
- Tank lifting with airbags. Lift air bags have vast contact area thus they can offer huge lifting force with less pressure imposing on tanks. The stability of lift airbag is also a peerless advantage.
LPG tank lifting project for reference: http://eversafemarine.net/project-detail/1600-tonnes-lpg-tank-lifting-project/
Service Scope
- Design of site and operation procedure.
- Providing all inclusive equipment
- Providing turnkey service for projects upon request
- Providing technical service
- On site operation
- Providing consultancy
- Free training
- Equipment rental
- Engineer rental
Know more about our heavy lift airbags at : http://eversafemarine.net/product-detail/heavy-lift-airbags/