Eversafe Marine uses marine salvage airbags which often called salvage balloons to jack up aground ship or refloat small ships and to stabilize the refloating process when larger ships are being raised—particularly in combined lifting operations.
Marine salvage tubes are different from rigid pontoons or inflatable pontoons and lift bags due to their heavy duty and versatile usages.The salvage tubes are similar to enclosed-type lift bags while they are much stronger. They have evolved from ship launching airbags and have multi-plies reinforcement layers made of rubber and synthetic-tire-cords. The thickness of airbag wall exceeds 6 mm often.

- Light. An 55-ton lift capacity salvage airbag may weigh as much as 800 kg.
- Sinkable. Defalted airbags can sink into water.
- Flexible. Airbags can be deflated to insert limited space, 25 cm height is enough to fit one airabg.
- Versatile. One bag can jack up more than 200 tonnes weight or offer 50 tonnes buoyancy
- Safe. Those balloons are the strongest rubber airbags in the world.
Applicable Projects
- Re-launch grounded/stranded ships whose weight below 6000 tonnes
- Refloat small ships whose weight below 2000 tonnes
- stabilizeor balance refloating process
- Reduce ship draft
Service Scope
- Design of operation procedure.
- Providing all inclusive equipment
- Providing turnkey service for projects upon request
- Providing technical service
- On site operation
- Providing consultancy
- Free trainning
- Equipment rental
- Engineer rental